Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Born in Paris, Bass Monta pushes his first vinyls at age 20 with ASTRA TECH, which explains how all this works. Self-taught he trains alone at home. In the early days his style is moving towards Tech, Hard tech at a rate fast enough and his rather dark and a bit of House music but still underground. The chance to meet him in the world of this environment, especially DEFFSKUAL, MARC DePulse, Propulsion, RND, RICKKS, Kromah, ASTRA TECH ... He finds his own style in some of the great tree branches electronic music as techno, Minimal, Progressive. Between 2002 and 2006 DEFFSKUAL, the return into the association in 1001 Nights, which he is resident and programmer, the bar and mix in a few more events in the south of France. Since 2006 Bass Monta is part of a new association PSYVA which it is responsible of the second set with PASS-KAL, Rachdingue he plays in Spain, the evening events organized by the associations of France: Mystic Chrysalis, Digital, Trance projection Electrhom. It also mix in Brazil in Sao Paulo