Indigo Generation

Indigo Generation

The society don't program us* The world Does not control us* SHOULD WE BE ABLE TO DECIDE HOW WE MUST LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER* as a Global family*? Or should these decisions be made by a group of sickly aging old politicians.? Stories of the ancients of many cultures all speak of a new generation which will arise when the life on earth falls into imbalance and chaos it is said that in this time Hundreds of thousands of people from many places in this world will begin to awaken to another way and resist the ways of the modern society communicating with a feeling within... guiding them to explore the possibilities within themselves guided by the internal rhythm of the heart beat* going beyond the current standard of living Sonic Activation* Audio Codes finely tuned vibrations breaking the boundaries of illusion* Calling out to the Children of the Indigo Generation the Time is Now To take back our world* In this compilation Alice D Records present a journey and profound introduction into the psychedelic music style "high-tec" from chosen composers worldwide. -Compiled by System Crash listen and experience.
