La Porc De La Discoteque

La Porc De La Discoteque

FM001 - Jorkes - La Porc De La Discoteque
La Porc De La Discoteque (Original Mix)
La Porc De La Discoteque (Mikasch Remix)
La Porc De La Discoteque (Erasmus & Krieger Remix)

Information on the artists & label:
Freeride Millenium -
Jorkes -
Mikasch -
Erasmus & Krieger -

// About
La Porc De La Discoteque - what a pig would be like. For the first release on the new label Freeride Millenium, we say: Oink! Hypnotic darkness in your electronic playroom. Sweating and dancing on ideas what dominance and submission is. Synthesized drugs that make you dance even longer. Hi-Hat hedonism is your key to freedom. Horns that remind you of your passion about being the pig you wish to be. Now dance to it. Follow the drums. One feet after the other. Mikasch takes you in her interpretation to the light. A remix of the situation that is so sensitive, you forget what you were about. Erasmus & Krieger reduce the setting with their remix to it's essence: Hypnotic dance in sweet solitude. While dancing, dont forget to have the right clothes:

Find them here on our first Freeride Millenium catwalk by Daniel Rajcsanyi: and here:

// Situation
It is the simple situation that although you have company you feel you are in total isolation.
The selfmade dungeon - surrounded by humans that are stuck in their own dungeon.
You play in this game. The price for it is that you become the lowest common denominator of the others. You become an excerpt of yourself. just because you need the company of other humans.
Isolated, because communication is not honest and real anymore. Communication is like the things that surround us: mechanical, technical, a swipe, a keyboard to hectically type in. With your eyes communication is pure emotion. Feel the other, observe, becoming one in the act of communication. This is how humanity grows. By exchanging emotions. When you give yourself in.

You meet with others, to get away. have fun, dance, forget yourself. Putative.Fragments of talking patter into you. About some you are thinking, You put them in a shelf in your mind. Other fragments you hardly realize. They peel off from you. You feel irritated. You cannot connect. The putative solution is there: The drug. You take it. All your chains explode. The dungeon seems to be gone. In your head your true self appears. The pig, you are yearning to be. You are your own master and your own slave. The hours of being being high is feeding your freedom. You don't zoom out, you zoom even more in. If others cannot help you to understand yourself, You dive in deeper to yourself. You play with everything your fantasy has to offer you. Freed from the chains, that usually are plaguing you. The emotions your heart so badly is yearning for, define the script in your head.
They become pictures. You are alive. You are dead. You cum. Everything is resolved.
This voice is talking to you and is become the guideline to yourself. Everything alone. Everything in your own universe. The pig, you want to be.
You are free.

For more info:
