105th & Amsterdam

105th & Amsterdam

105th & Amsterdam...you walk into one store and hear spanish music playing, you go to another store and there is arabic music, you look on the corner and there's a bunch of little kids riding bikes...you go to another store and there's indian music playing, around the corner is the jazz club...and then every hour the church bell rings...105th & Amsterdam on a cool summer day" the concept of the original song was to incorporate all of these things into music & tell the story of this upper west side neighborhood

Created 4 years ago by Ali Coleman and Tom Glide in NYC.Reedited , remixed and updated in April 2014..Already played by Chris Cox , Francois K in NYC and worldwide this lill piano gimmick will hypnotize your dancefloor with remixes by Tom Glide , Ali Coleman , Sakaki Nakamura , MaxK , Bradford James and 12shades
