Never Planned

Never Planned

An Incredibly clever production comes out of Reconceals studio here.

Opting for a progressive direction, this tracks offers a variety of groovy baselines, with very minimalistic and distant sounding high hats. The breakdown is where the magic happens here. Changing the feeling of the typical 4/4 style piano melody with chords and keys, into a deceptively swung lead that happily sits in harmoniously with the normal non swung groove. Reconceal for sure has defied all the rules in this production. We are very excited to see where this will end up.

Taking his own production to another level with crisp and crunchy leads, driving gritty baselines, and acid groove lines that is the "Not Afraid of 140 Mix". What is already a clever Original he pushed the gears north bound in this piece and fills the air with driving sounds that are perfect for peak time club sessions.
