Soulfly second album《Primitive》This is a very unique album. It has the heavy metal laced with the tribal feel. These guys really know how to make it work. This cd is, pretty much, the heaviest you can get. Max is one of the most ferocious screamers to ever grace a metal album. The guest artists really help put some more color into this as well. I really liked hearing from Corey Taylor and Tom Araya, but the highlight of the guests artists has to be Sean Lennon on Son Song. I really think this one is a little more than your typical Nu-metal release. There are a few flaws in the album though. First off, the lyrics can be bad at some points. No disrespect or anything, but alot of these lyrics are terrible. For the most part it doesn't matter though, because most of these are screamed so powerfully that you don't realize or care what he's actually saying. Another thing, I could have done without In Memory Of.. Incorporating rap on this album just doesn't work. Other than those few mishaps everything is great. The