

Timeless, the latest CD by visionary cellist Jami Sieber, is a transmission of pure stillness, sacredness and prayer. Layer upon layer of cello transport the listener into a world without clocks or calendars, where stress and striving dissolve, the heart melts open, and the walls that separate us from each other, nature, and our own self-love magically crumble.

Timeless conveys a powerful presence that goes beyond the haunting melodies and velvety striations of cello and voice. It invokes a realm where inner experience – be it meditation, massage, movement, or stillness – is deepened and intensified. This is powerful musical medicine.

From Jami: The essence of a timeless nature exists within each of us. I love going there. When I am not caught up in the ‘to do”, “did do” and “will do” I fall into that gap - when a minute lasts a year and there is nothing but that moment. I ran across this quote by Gary Snyder and it so beautifully encapsulated what I was trying to create - so I now share it with you.

