Fresh Air
Veteran jazz guitarist and composer Vince Lewis and jazz vocalist and composer Barbara Martin have teamed up to bring the best of their musical worlds to audiences around the world. Their new recording Fresh Air, “as well-crafted as it is spontaneous and crisply presented” All About Jazz, is an apt representation of the magic these two create when they make music together.
About Barbara:
Named one of ten worthy jazz singers by Jazziz Magazine, Barbara Martin is known for being an accomplished vocal interpreter of the great jazz and blues standards yet brave enough to stretch the boundaries of the female jazz and blues singer stereotype. The Washington Post describes Barbara’s music as “slice of life songs that ring with truth, wit and experience.” Joe Lang of Jersey Jazz touts Martin as “…a singer who effectively combines her natural feel for lyric interpretation with passionate vocalizing...” Barbara has produced ten recordings and has been a headliner at festivals with Frank Vignola, Susan Tedeschi and Marcus Johnson. She has won numerous songwriting awards, including a Silver Award in the Vocal Blues and Jazz category in the Mid-Atlantic Song Contest.
About Vince:
Vince Lewis is a veteran jazz performer, composer and recording artist. Since actively pursuing a solo career he has achieved national acclaim and airplay, as well as outstanding critical reviews in every major jazz publication. Vince has been a Heritage Guitar, Inc. performing artist since 1991 and has recorded for Noteworthy Jazz, Redstone Jazz and Jim Martin Productions. He has been a headliner with Dave Brubeck, B.B King, Ellis Marsalis, Lou Rawls, John Pizzarelli and Melissa Manchester. In 2012 Vince was recognized in the Jazz Guitar category as one of the “Leading Active Jazz Artists” by Jazz Inside Magazine. Jim Carlton, Conversations with Great Jazz and Studio Guitarists says “His playing is indicative of the rarified air of true mastery. He routinely creates engaging and excellent music.”