Lights On
Lights On:
Lights On, released on April 26, 2013, is Beacon Light's second full length album. This project features industry producers from all over the country, adding to it's musical diversity. Beacon brings a high-energy delivery and creative flow pattern to the table as he speaks to real human issues. Other artists on this project include: D-MAUB, George Moss, K-Drama, David Michael, Steven Malcolm, B-Coe, and many more.
Artist Bio:
“Every human has their own personal Hell to deal with…we all have different limits, different experiences of pain, different breaking points. All I know is that I definitely reached mine.”
About Beacon
Beacon Light is an aspiring regional artist based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has performed at the Unity and Big Ticket Festivals and shared stages with Lecrae, Flame, and George Moss. His first album Overcomin’ was released in 2010 and has been recognized by many. His newest project, a free EP entitled “Freedom Music” released in October 2012, features several artists including Yaves, David Michael, and K-Drama. Beacon is known for bringing a fun yet worshipful element to his music, while still driving home a serious message. In 2012, Beacon founded a record label called Infinity Music Group. A new album is also on the horizon for April of 2013.
Beacon is currently the worship director at The Edge Urban Fellowship where he and his wonderful wife teach the middle school youth group. His primary desire is to see lives changed through the good news of Jesus Christ.
Beacon’s Story
In many ways, Beacon, born Brandon Clahassey in Grand Rapids, MI, had an average middle class childhood. He grew up on a tree-lined street with his mom, dad, and younger sister, and had a group of close friends who could often be found on the basketball court. In elementary school, Beacon became a student at an Urban Christian School called The Potter’s House. There, he developed a love for Hip Hop music, creative writing, and other cultures. His family, teachers, and friends knew him as a happy kid with a quick sense of humor.
Then one summer in third grade, Beacon was sexually abused. He started using humor as a mask, and although it fooled others, it didn’t heal his pain. The abuse continued on and off for five years and left Beacon feeling ugly and worthless. Because of his overwhelming shame – often experienced by victims of abuse – he never sought to tell anybody, not even his parents. “I know abuse is a subject that people don’t like to talk about,” says Beacon. “But when it is ignored, it usually just gets worse.”
In fifth grade the children’s choir from his church gave Beacon the honor of rapping Sister Acts’ Remix of “Joyful, Joyful” during their Christmas service. But despite his accomplishments, Beacon still felt broken. And by the time he was in high school, Beacon’s parents were headed toward divorce. He continued to wear his mask, pretending that everything was okay. He filled his time playing sports and partying to the max. As a college student, Beacon began to gamble frequently. He would ride the high of winning with the same broken and empty feeling in his chest. “Imagine you were shot with a round of bullets, but instead of being rushed to the Emergency Room, you just put some Band-aids over the holes, put on your nicest clothes, and then went clubbing,” says Beacon. “That’s what I was doing, clubbing with spiritual bullet wounds.”
Music was initially an outlet for his frustration and pride. “I used to freestyle battle a lot,” says Beacon, “I loved walking into parties, drawing a crowd, and battling whoever thought they could rap. It made me feel like I was in control of my life, like I couldn’t be stopped.” Beacon adds, “But on the inside, I still felt trapped, depressed, and worthless. If I wasn’t high, drunk, or surrounded by people, I felt alone.”
Then, halfway through his sophomore year in college, Beacon cried out to God. His most profound experience was in a men’s group with several trusted adults he had known for years. “Experiencing God is ten times better than any drug, any drink, any random woman,” says Beacon. “Those are all short-lived pleasures. But God is forever.”
From the moment Beacon cried out to God he felt Him working in his life to change, and heal, his heart. He decided to go to Grace Bible College. After deciding to major in Biblical studies (B.S. 2009), Beacon was introduced to Lecrae’s music and realized that his own musical and writing gifts could be used to lead people to the healing found in Christ.
In 2007, he began writing, recording, and performing songs. His goal is to bring people to the light of Christ. He notes, “Popular culture constantly tells young people that material possessions, drinking, and sex, are the way to happiness. But they only temporarily numb the pain. Life with Christ is incomparable; nowhere else can you find true love, peace, comfort and strength.”