40th Day (feat. Jeremy Pelt, Jd Allen, Danny Grissett & Darrell Green)
....welcome to the world of OZAN MUSLUOGLU !
"Wizard Lizard" has a wonderful Grissett solo, followed by
a Hubbard like solo by Mr. Pelt (nothing wrong
with that !),followed by Mr. Allen on tenor.
"Coincidence" ...listen to the band dig into a modal sound !
please note the wonderful solo and the recorded
sound of the bass and the energy of the drummer Darrell Green.
"Requiem for K.C." opens with a very nice rhythm section intro
serves as the essence of the arrangement.. Great
unison melody from the two horns.
"40th Day" is a melancholy waltz that is a "walking ballad",
a very nice musical surprise.
"Fake Promises" goes at a break-neck pace....with a very interesting
piano solo that sets the standard for the tenor and trumpet solo.
note the rhythm swing behind these solos.not to be out done,
Mr. Musluoglu and Mr. Green contribute their share of fire as
they solo.
"Enjoy Disappointments" is a really interesting song and arrangement with the bass
replacing the usual pizzicato part with the bow, then playing the
melody with the horns....it's very effective !....followed by a bass
pizz solo...wow !!! by the way,the melody is built on the changes
to "I'll Remember April"..
"Panic" ends the cd with a real swinger..great rhythm section feel..
this track proves that the future of jazz is in some very capable hands!!