With the invention of the Sampler, absolutely any sound can be turned into a playable instrument. David Barnes takes advantage of this in his album "Hinges". Creaky door hinges, plumbing groans, steam coming out of radiators and chainsaws were all turned into musical instruments on this album. Barnes combines these sampled sounds with his collection of homemade industrial percussion instruments and a custom circuit-bent electronic instrument called an Incantor to create electronic music that is edgy, innovative and industrial in a sort of "ear candy" way - catchy, not noisy.
Here is a rundown of what is included on the album:
I Gotta Chainsaw in my Pocket - The instrument parts are all sampled using a vintage Akai S2800 sampler (this was 1997), and played using Performer sequencing software on an old Macintosh Quadra 650. Included are many of the sounds listed above (chainsaws, plumbing, homemade industrial percussion, Incantor) as well as a distorted drum set and a lead vocal track. The vocals (distorted a