Worship Circle Mixtape: Favorites, Side A

Worship Circle Mixtape: Favorites, Side A

This is a compilation album featuring the best selling and the most loved songs from the entire Worship Circle catalog. Side A features these songs:

I Will Not Forget You, First Circle
Faithful, Second Circle
Crown Him, Chair and Microphone, Vol. 1
It’s My Joy, Third Circle
The Cupboard’s Full, Chair and Microphone, Vol. 4
Those Who Trust, First Circle
Give Me Your Hand, Fourth Circle
You Are Mine, Chair and Microphone, Vol. 3
You Have Redeemed My Soul, First Circle
Centuries, Chair and Microphone, Vol. 2
Too Proud, Fourth Circle
Strong Weakness, Village Thrift, Circa 2005

We cross referenced the sales reports and the chord chart download reports from across multiple sites on the internet, and then we used our own amazing gut instincts to compile these "best of the best" songs from the 9 albums in the Enter The Worship Circle catalog. It is a great way to get a sampling of the Worship Circle, and it is a great way to give the give of some of the best to someone you love.
