Release The Day

Release The Day


Hi there and welcome. This is my Recent Projects/Bio and a few reivews of my CD Release the Day


I went to Cuba early this year and recorded a CD which I've called "Mother of dreams and secrets". It was recorded at Egrem Studios Havana, and is a musical dedication to the Orisha (saint) Yemaya. I composed music based on the ceremonial Bata rhythms of Yemeya and this CD has an hypnotic momentum and forward motion that I'm am very pleased about. It will be out in July so I hope you will pick one up!

'Baby Winter' ( a new work in progress) is like an ambient sound mattress of gentle noise. This is collaboration with Genji Siraisi.

I performed in and wrote a sort of overture for Danius Kesminas' Slave Piano Opera: 'Two lives in Flux and Vice Versa' which was performed in Vilnius, Lithuania late 2004.The Opera featured Piano, Slave Piano, Two Harmoniums, Two Choirs, type writer, two soloists and a 7 piece jazz ensemble... It was also voted cultural event of the year! I
