Healing Heart
Healing Heart
"...Wow! Native American Flute Music with a Celtic Influence!"
A Heart’s Journey Home
“… music that heals with each listen.”
Memo’s Native American flute music takes your heart on a poignant and healing journey. This is haunting shamanic music that has definite healing properties. It breaks you free of time as you step into a musical world of sacred echoes.
“I drew upon life’s experiences to create this collection, including the healing that occurs over time after the loss of a loved one or a family member.” In time, I found that those feelings of loss can fade and be replaced with a warm glow of love remembered.
I played all of these melodies in the musical keys at or close to the key of F -- the key associated the heart chakra. These songs range between the keys of E flat and F#. When finished, I found that I would just leave the CD playing and repeating, sometimes throughout the night. I would wake up feeling renewed, peaceful and filled with hope. My wish is that it may do