The Blackstones EP

The Blackstones EP

Equally influenced by The Beatles, Dylan, Wilco, and Floyd this new ep cashes in on a lot of promise that The Blackstones had shown in earlier releases.

A More mature, more personal, more poetic, better sounding record... than ever before.


“This is the best record I’ve ever made.” It’s a more classic record than my previous efforts in that, I really think that these songs and this record will still sound good in five years... in ten years.
Certainly of all the projects I’ve ever been a part of, this was by far, my favorite

A lot was on my mind while writing these songs and making this record. I’d taken a trip to hurricane Katrina ravaged Mississippi and Louisiana shortly after the storm. Our nation was at war in Iraq/Friends of mind were at war in Iraq and I felt like it just brought up a lot of questions inside of me. Questions like... Who can I trust? I a “Christian” or am I just a “believer”? Can this kind of damage ever be repaired? Can this kind of heartache be reversed? Can Death truly be beaten or defeated??

I knew when I wrote these songs and this record that I wasn’t trying to come to some kind of magnificent conclusion to be honest. I tend to like music, art, poetry that is open-ended in some ways.
I guess my hope is that some of you identify with those questions, that heartache...
with those kinds of thoughts.

A melancholy record, produced by a melancholy man.

I’m sure as time goes on, I’ll be posting reviews on our website at I'll also write a lot more about the process of making this record (which of course, was completely different than any other record that I’ve made)

For right now, I’ll just say...

Here’s hoping we see you all out there,
-Aaron LaMere
