Sentimental and Animated

Sentimental and Animated

Sentimental and Animated is an album of various works that will please a wide variety of listeners!

With the composer Charles Fernandez at the helm of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, he leads us through various works, from the more Classical “Tone Poem for Clarinet and Strings” and the three movement “Oboe Concerto”; to the more theatrical “Songs from a Child’s Point of View”(Based on Children’s Poems and with soprano Melissa Fahn); to the more animated “Ratso Scherzo” for piano and orchestra and Animatus Eventus, a three movement homage to cartoon music past and present.

As a extra, Mr. Fernandez includes his “Candy From a Baby”, his version of Manciniesque Bachelor Pad music.

There is truly something here for everyone. Please take a listen and buy this CD for yourself or friends!

Here are more details on what you’ll hear:

RATSO SCHERZO is a short whimsical work for Piano and Orchestra based on music written for an episode of Television’s Casper, where rats run loose in an ensemble during a piano con
