Spiritual!!! Moi???

Spiritual!!! Moi???

Artie Q: Sophisticated Electronic Pop for US/Euro Types.

* “Robin has the rare gift to write endearing lyrics about true emotions, without getting cheesy or melodramatic.” — I'd agree with that one! ;) ArtieQ

* “Artie Q is Innovative and Retrospective - Mipachira Sun”

Well, again, I am forced to think long & hard about the songs contained on this cd, "Spiritual!!! Moi???" The short version would be that it is a collection of Electronic Pop songs: some, a collaboration with artists across the virtual world; others, created all by my lil ole Spiritual Lonesome. "What are they about?" Well, I write about things in my life; "life," if you will, very much from my perspective. The subject matter contained in most of the songs is a reflection of what is going on with me: what I see/what I feel. The most significant change in the last few years, is the change in my living circumstances. I have returned "home" (a place where I have not lived in 30+ years) from LA to London to care for my aged parents. So, writing & producing songs has become a huge release/relief/escape from the ongoing roller coaster of such an experience. And believe me, it can be quite a ride. Some of the songs concern this topic; some, a result of it; others are pure escapism and have nothing to do with it. :) If you want a more detailed description, you can read a break down of the tracks, here http://www.whatsnew-artieq.blogspot.com -

As for the title of the cd: "Spiritual!!! Moi???" Hmm … "Spirituality" ...? This state of being (?) has always somewhat bemused me. Mostly, because I really don’t understand the terms with which spiritual folk use. (Truly, I cannot relate.) ... I have no idea; sorry, no answers, here. I just “am.” I “do.” Does that answer the question? And what was it, anyway? :)  

Among friends, I will often mockingly declare myself as The World’s Least Spiritual Soul, not really because I believe it, but mostly to playfully elicit a response. I have to say that all of my good buds will then rush to my defense with ” Oh no, that’s not true, Artie, you are most spiritual”—Oh Really, I then respond. *Smirks* So, I have this somewhat rocky relationship/understanding of the term. (I have to admit, as well, I am being somewhat provocative!)

Recently, a good friend of mine, declared on Twitter "You are not alone. Psychic network, make friends, etc …" I responded with “I am alone; I am The World's Least Spiritual Human Being. I must be alone. Surely?” She then responded "You are NOT alone. Authenticity is the best part of spiritual. You live my definition of the most spiritual." Hmm … This phrase stuck with me for a week: “Authenticity ... is ... Spirituality.” ... I cogitated on it. And when I finished, I masticated ... thermagulated, even. Finally, I hit on an idea. What if someone (not necessarily me) who believed himself to be The World’s Least Spiritual Soul, actually found out the bald truth; he was in fact The World’s Most Spiritual Soul—HaHah—Yikes. Hey presto! There's the song: The World’s Least Spiritual Soul. Which in turn gave me the idea for the title of this collection of songs: Spiritual!!! Moi???

Hugs to you, all.
Artie Q - Wanna get in contact? artieq@earthlink.net - http://www.artieq.com

* " Your videos are fascinating. I love the way your messages challenge my thinking." www.youtube.com/RTQuinn467 — I'm down wi' that! ArtieQ ;)

* “Measure Of The Man by Artie Q - This song is a musical masterpiece combining brilliant lyrics and escalating catchy electronica music. - New USB radio” — What can I say? I loves it! :) ArtieQ
