Fibonacci's Dream

Fibonacci's Dream

Fibonacci’s Dream:
Eclectic Modern Mathematical Compositions for the Acoustic Guitar
All compositions written by Lawrence M. Blatt
All instruments played by Lawrence M. Blatt
Recorded in San Francisco (Knob and Tube) and Healdsburg, California
Digital Recording, Mixing and Mastering by Gary Mankin (Knob & Tube)
Photographs by Clint Graves (


We are always counting. We count the millennium, the centuries, the decades, the years, the months, the weeks, the days and the hours, minutes and seconds of every moment of our lives. Throughout each day, we perform hundreds of calculations without even thinking about it. We also have an eternal clock that guides us through our day called our circadian rhythm. We know, albeit subconsciously, that our hearts are beating and if you sit quietly you can even feel the pulse of your life force. You have been counting all of your life and that rhythm defines you.

With all of this counting going on, I have realized that we are hard-wired f
