Come Drink
Brandon and Sally Lewis are full-time missionaries in Zambia, Africa. This album was written in 2012 while Brandon and Sally were in Zambia for a 3 month missions training course. During that time of intense study, service, and prayer, these songs were birthed from the Word and the Spirit speaking through it.
The title song, "Come Drink" is inspired by John 4:7-38 and 6:26-40. In these verses, Jesus is reminding us that He is the Living Water and the Bread of Life and whoever drinks and eats of him will not go thirsty or hungry again. While on the mission field, Brandon and Sally have seen the life given through both Physical water and the Living Water of Jesus!
"All of Creation" is written from the text of Romans 8:18-25. The beauty of God's creation is all around us, but we are in constant reminder that creation itself is also fallen and waiting in hope to be restored. This song was written while sitting on the edge of the Zambezi River gorge during a thunderstorm- awesome.
King David is an inspiration and one of the great father's of our faith. The song "Send Me A Giant" encompasses the story of David's life and how fighting the Giants (both Philistine and circumstantial) helped David to remain humble and to trust and rely on God. The cry of the song is that God would refine us and help us find strength and humility, not in ourselves, but in Him alone and to be thankful and honor Him with any blessings He would choose to give us.
"Well Done" is a song of hope for those who suffer for the Kingdom, for those who don't know the love and pride of a Father, and for those who work thanklessly for others. As Christians we are called to love others, and to Love God above all else. At the end of our lives, it will be so sweet to hear the words, "Well Done" from our Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can fathom. We can endure anything here, for our reward awaits us in Heaven!
Lastly, "Inner Room" is a worshipful song that pulls us into the sacred place of prayer and spending time in the Glory of God.