Sequence Girls

Sequence Girls

This 1986 CD, featuring compositions by Dave Soldier, ushered in the combination of punk rock and hiphop to chamber music. The title piece, Sequence Girls, was based on early Sugar Hill rap tune by Sequence, while three pieces were transcriptions of Delta blues songs by Skip James, Muddy Waters, and Charlie Patton, which retained the weird rhythms and phrases of the original. Five Little Monsters are extremely short movements, each of which evokes a particular youth subculture of the period and sounds a bit like a classical version of the contemporaneous Lower Eastside group DNA.

The pieces on Sequence Girls are really compositional fantasies by a young Dave Soldier in a time and place that tied myriad knots from Wagner to the Ramones and Beastie Boys and gospel music. The players had already worked in an extremely broad range of styles even prior to group: later the quartet went onto collaborations and recordings with the likes of John Cale, Guided by Voices, Van Dyke Parks, Tony Williams, and to premiere o
