My Best Friends Are Pianists
First of all I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for buying this album and including it in your
archive. I would like to briefly recount how a dream was realized and what happened during the process.
I have always adored listening to each and every one of the “My Best Friends” series by Ray Brown, one
of my greatest idols, and it had always been my wish to one day produce something along the same
lines. There are many important pianists who came out of Turkey that write great music. I have shared
the stage with all of them on separate projects, but to be able to see them together someday on an
album like this was something that had always excited me. With a little careful planning I succeeded in
finding two days in which all 12 great musicians were available and went to work. We arranged a small
rehearsal a week before the day of the recording and got acquainted with the songs. Once everyone’s
recording schedules were set, the only thing left to do was to concentrate and play. It was a unique
and unbelievably enjoyable experience to go in and out of 12 different worlds. I planned two hours of
recording time for each musician. It was enough time to get into the mood of every song and record
2-3 takes. Everything went exactly as planned. We had to stick to a 6 minute quota to fit all the songs
into the album. We even planned the solos accordingly and I feel that it all came together in perfect
moderation. Now, every time I listen to the album, I remember those two days and feel absolutely
wonderful. I wish only the best for each and every one of those 12 precious and unique worlds.
Another important issue for me is the dedication of this album to two very valuable double bass players.
The first one is Ray Brown; one of the most important characters in jazz history, the mastermind behind
the concept and the double bass player that inspired me the most. The other is Oğuz Durukan, an
absolute gentleman and one of greatest musicians this country has ever produced. Both of them are no
longer with us but I can only hope that these beautiful melodies reach them somewhere and bring them
even more peace.
-Ozan Musluoglu-