

Very few people witness something magical and truly special. Most of them experience it only but a handful of times in their lifetimes. And it’s even rarer in a musical experience these days, because of so many bands only making music because it’s what’s “in” nowadays. Beyond all that, there are still some bands that see music more than just a trend.

In Dependence is a band united by blood, literally, being composed by three brothers from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, and all ranging from 16 to 19 years old. The band was reformed by Orlando “Juapi”, the eldest brother, guitarist, composer and lyricist, in 2008 when he decided to make the band his main project along with Orlando “Tuti”, the middle brother and singer, and with Luis, the youngest brother and drummer. With “Reflection”, a powerful debut album under their belt, they show no limits to what they can do inside the modern rock/hardcore genre and cohesively break the barriers of albums with all the songs sounding the same. Ranging from H
