

The Concept

In the great tradition of Irish dance music and song, a premium has always been upon the interaction of musicians: in exchanging songs and tunes, in sharing the music as it has migrated worldwide everywhere the Irish have found themselves, and in passing on the tradition to subsequent generations. Some of the greatest recordings in traditional Irish music have been the result of fortuitous, sometimes chance meetings of compatible musicians who share the common language of dance tunes. On Coyote Banjo, Chris Smith, Randal Bays, and Roger Landes dig deep into that common language, finding new and innovative things to say in a centuries-old tradition. Recorded live in the studio, in the style of great folk and jazz discs of the past, these musicians capture the excitement of a meeting of old friends making music together.

The Players

Chris Smith (banjo, mandola, mandolin, field organ) has played, taught, and recorded roots music from around the world for the past 25 years. He records and tours int
