Outlander II
Outlander is a trio of three brothers who grew up playing and writing music together for the last 20 years. Each brother has slowly mastered their instrument, and through working so closely together for so long have developed an unusually coherent and intricate style which is unparalleled amongst modern rock.
Outlander has played shows for years, everywhere from small pubs to the House of Blues in Chicago, and has received notoriety by garnering radio play on mainstream rock stations, by having their music used in film, and by the extremely devoted grass-roots following they have developed. Outlander shows often include effects devices built by the band members, interesting audio sampling as songs transition, a myriad of triggers which allow the trio to create a high energy wall of sound live, and sometimes the eccentric transparent glowing electric guitar or two.
Being brothers, and being so immersed in music for so long has helped the band members to create and perform songs on a plane of their own.
Chris Walczak, who plays bass guitar and sings, majored in music composition and has been commissioned to write a number of orchestral pieces for various symphonic orchestras worldwide.
Marty and Scott Walczak, who play percussion and guitars respectively, both obtained engineering degrees and are proficient audio engineers, which allows Outlander to apply unusual and ingenious recording techniques in the studio as well as creating new and unduplicated soundscapes for their music in general. All of these things help to truly set Outlander apart from the din of what has become hard rock.
Due in great part to their longevity as musicians, the band members are familiar with most all of the great classic and modern hard rock acts, as well as styles of music from jazz to fusion to classical to metal. Incorporating the best parts of so many bands into their musical style has helped Outlander to become accomplished songwriters and musicians, but it has also driven the band to transcend what has already been done and try to invent something altogether different, fresh, original, and innovative.
The product of this labor is their encore CD, Outlander II.