Turning Point

Turning Point

Staples around the thriving Baltimore/Washington D.C. jazz scene for 20 years, Blackman Murray Russo trio has captured a delightfully fresh and well-executed musical product. Recorded at the famed Bennett Studios in NJ and featuring modern horn great Donny McCaslin, they explore mostly the unique musical approach of the pianist, Alan Blackman. His originals occupy almost half of the musical ground here, and they are varied in scope and interesting from both a rhythmic and harmonic vantage point. From the almost middle eastern opening version of a Brahms Waltz through the groovy standard(with some nice new chords) I've Never Been in Love to a 9/4 fender rhodes inflected tour de force on You've Changed, this band is tight and the solos are at a very accomplished and individual level. Highly recommended if you are tired of boring smooth jazz and bored with tired traditional swing.
