Confessions Of A Tortured Soul (Explicit)

Confessions Of A Tortured Soul (Explicit)

Never one to let the grass grow under his feet Tony threw himself straight into writing and recording more material after the release of last years ‘Gone 2 the dogs’ which has culminated in 24 blistering new tracks.

Confessions of a tortured soul see’s us journey through experiences that some may come across in everyday life such as depression, self harm, self doubt and bitter breakups all subjects so brilliantly executed by the hand of Tony.
Every song tells a story and that’s why ‘confessions’ has been split into three parts, the first part deals with the darker subject matter of depression and self harm and you can almost feel the pain oozing from the songs as Tony’s unique singing style belts out the first lines ‘Time for your medication’ in the punk driven ‘Fruitcake’. Harm and Fail continue in the same vain until we are hit by something a little different with the ska styled song ‘paranoia destroyer’. After ‘paranoia destroyer’ things kick back into overdrive with a rock punk riff fest with the songs ‘Unclean, the nobody, outsider outcast and makes you think’. Part one is rounded off with the brilliantly haunting ‘disturbed’ which melts wonderfully into ‘(interlude) tears before bedtime’ a brief but beautiful musical escape.
Just as you are starting to relax with ‘(interlude) tears before bedtime’ part two kicks in with ‘welcome to the head**** game’ a snarling punk rock punch in the face. Week without you, the world don’t revolve around you, all lies, ripping and signs follow the same principle taking a high punk rock kick at relationships and break ups. Obviously a YnoT release wouldn’t be the same without Tony’s sense of humour seeping into some of the songs and that is portrayed here with songs such as ‘Dave, yeah, yeah, Simon says and smash it up’.
Part three is the milder gentler side of YnoT, with four acoustic driven songs kicking off with a country’ish stones style song ‘need you in my life’ followed by the dark ‘waiting on the good times’. ‘Was it really love’ has a slight tinge of a 60's pop tune and its all nicely finished off with ‘I confess’ ....

This CD will tug at the heart strings it will pull you in, you will connect and sympathise with some songs, laugh at others maybe cry at some. Some songs will have you hitting the ‘back’ button wanting to listen again and again while others will have you pumping the volume.
