Gone 2 the Dogs

Gone 2 the Dogs

YnoT are back with their follow up CD to last years ‘Kill A Classic & More’, and boy have they grown musically and lyrically if you have ever come across YnoT before and toyed with the thought of buying one of their CD’s then don’t deny those feelings any longer grab yourself a copy of ‘Gone 2 The Dogs’.
To view the cover and read the title would have you fooled into believing this is some political encounter taking a swipe at everything that has gone wrong within society, though some songs do have political undertones its not all doom and gloom it also wrestles with other topics and views in YnoTs own uniquely witty and catchy way.
There are no thrills or spills this is just good old fashioned honest rock n roll, with catchy hooks, riffs aplenty and songs that will have you singing along too in no time. Compared to previous releases the production on this CD stands out above the rest, the songs are more rounded and polished; ‘Gone 2 the dogs’ is the perfect introduction to YnoT.

Also included on this CD are three YnoT classics re-recorded and revamped for 2009.
