Anchor & Ship

Anchor & Ship

Does absurdity rest in individual objects or the interaction between them? What is a ship without an anchor? A piece of driftwood splashing aimlessly towards or away from shores? What is an anchor without a ship? A piece of iron collecting clams in shallow water? Is it the relationship between those two objects that produces meaning or do they possess meaning inherently?

This collection of songs will not give you answers, but it just might spark a question or two and if you ask me, questions have always been more important than answers anyway.

Ian Fisher
Berlin - November 2010
released 01 December 2010
Ben Majchrzak - Producer/Engineer
Ryan Carpenter - Piano/Lead Guitar on several tracks
Ian Fisher - Lyrics/Vocals/Guitar
Cover Art:
Peter Baldinger - title of work "Concorde - Disaster #1"
Chris Baldinger - album layout
