Uncharted Waters

Uncharted Waters

Jeff Brisbin is a songwriter's ... songwriter.

Influences: Lennon/McCartney, John Prine, John Ondrasik, John Mayer, Ryan Adams, Wilco, James Morrison, Don Henley.

His songs will resonate within you ... they always tell a story, sometimes you might wonder if he's telling your story.
His CD "Uncharted Waters", features 15 original compositions .

These are some quotes from some reviews:

" beautiful", " sentiment is felt and heard ", " it rocks, it pops, it sways "
" these songs will stay in your head and your heart forever", "a classic"
" these are love songs" " about love, loss and the price we all pay ",
" classical pop " "Mellencampish/Dylanesque violins swing on "These Walls",
" some songs have a Beatleish flavor ( those chord changes ! ) listen to the end of "Golden",
" check out the baroque harpsichord solo on "All Through The Years", it's very similar in style to "In My Life" , shades of Lennon & McCartney
" great vocals! " "sound of surf, passing thunderstorms give the album an ambience that thematically makes total sense"
" subtle use of violins, cellos, guitars, horns, keyboards "
" you'll want to listen over & over " " great songwriting and musicianship" !
" a classic " " beautiful melodies with lyrics that you can easily relate to".
"his songs are right from the heart."
"This man is a true troubador" ... "Beatlesque"

Jeff started "making up " songs when he was about 5 or 6 , but wrote his first real song when he was 13 ... he's been very prolific ever since ... Jeff is a seasoned live performer having played almost 700 gigs all over New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine in the last 11 years.

Jeff has great stage presence ... when he "covers" a song ... he makes it his own, and when he plays you one of his originals ... he'll touch your heart. We are proud to have him in the Broken Compass Family ... this music is going to make some noise! If you enjoy these songs, tell your friends ... these songs deserve to be heard !

The album "Uncharted Waters" was produced by Vince Arpey aka "George Martini" at his own Arpstudio , just outside of Saratoga Springs, New York
( www.arprecording.com ) , " I'm normally just a "guy with a guitar" and I originally thought I'd just make an all acoustic album so it would sound just like my live shows ... but on certain songs I heard strings, horns etc in my head .... and Vince convinced me the album could be "so much more than just solo acoustic" ... so he called Pete, Jack, and Ronnie .... and I called my buds ... Danny, Rick, Tim and Katy ... I came across Demetria through Matt McCabe ... and pretty soon Vince worked his magic, and stirred the stew and we found the sound for "Uncharted Waters".

The musicians who made up the ingredients in that stew are:

Vince Arpey who produced, played all piano, keyboards, synths, orchestrations, added percussion, background vocals.
Jack Kenyon played a most fluid, beautifully intuitive bass guitar everywhere.
The amazing Danny Garcia ( his fingers never leave his hands !!! ) played hot bluesy lead licks on "Different Things", and " Stillness In My Heart" and crisp rhythm electric guitar on "These Walls" .
Tim Wecheglaer played a rockingly sweet violin on "These Walls" and "The Other Side Of My Life", with soulful mandolin on "Bridges" and "The Other Side Of My Life".
Ron Peacock played some "George Harrisonish" slippery slide on " Golden", a sweetly mournful lead on "She's Still There", a bluesy lead on "These Walls " & textured rhythm electric guitar on "Uncharted Waters".
Rick Bolton blew it up with his harmonicas on "These Walls" and "Then Came You", and made us all smile.
Demetria Koninis made her cello sing on "Uncharted Waters".
Pete Avens provided the solid bedrock backbeat on his drumkit.
Jeff Brisbin wrote the songs and played acoustic guitar, sang lead and background vocals.
Last but certainly not least ... Katy Farone's sweetly beautiful double tracked harmony vocal on "Sometimes" made the song soar.
Award Winning Graphic Artist/Designer Sharon Bolton wrapped these songs in her brilliant artwork ....
These wonderful people just happen to be amazing artists and musicians ... and they gave me the gift of their time, their incredible talent and their hearts ... and you can feel it and hear it in the music we made. Thanks to all of you, I'm so lucky ... I love you all ... it was a labor of love, and a gift I can never repay !!!
Much thanks to all who have taken the time in this busy world to listen to these songs! ( Jeff Brisbin )
