Music for the Healing Code

Music for the Healing Code

What are The Healing Codes?

The Healing Codes are a simple and powerful self-healing system that was discovered in 2001 by Alex Loyd, PhD, ND. The Healing Codes activate powerful healing centers that can allow the body to heal itself of almost anything. They do this by removing the stress from the body, thus allowing the neuro-immune system to take over its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body.

Music for The Healing Code

12 pieces of inspired music composed by Elio. Specifically written for Dr Alex Loyd’s Healing Code.

Music for the Healing Code CD comes with musical prompts (30 sec ping sounds) which is to be used in conjunction with the Healing Code practice. You also have the option of purchasing the Healing Code Music without the musical prompts for those who wish to just enjoy the music


“I purchased the Healing Code CD (without prompts) and I can’t tell you how much I love this music. I want to tell you what I experienced. When I first started listening I would break down crying (uncontrollably) every time the first song (Unforgiveness) stared playing. It took weeks/months but I can now listen to the CD without this happening. I do believe it was a time of releasing. I now listen without this effect. I plan to make another purchase. I listen to the HC music almost every day. I usually turn it on first thing when I get up. Thanks.”, USA

“I’m listening to your music now, best music ever, love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much, you are a blessed young man, and your music is divine!!!!
It is my honour to meet you, and your music. Wishing you all the best life can bring you..
Melbourne Australia

“Hi Elio, I just wanted to thank you so much for producing the relaxing and beautiful Healing Code Music. I was having a hard time with the timing of the healing codes, and using a timer was just disruptive to the whole process. I purchased your music from the Healing Codes website and since then I have been LOVING the healing codes. Your music helps me to stop thinking of “things” and just concentrate on my positive affirmations while I’m doing the codes. I have never been able to meditate without my mind going all over the place, but doing 3 codes a day with the help of your music, has allowed me to actually do it! I also just love to listen to your “non-ping” music while I am working or just in the house. I just wanted to say what a great job you did, and thank you so much. You’ve made a difference in my life Sincerely,

“Dear Elio, I love this CD. I listen to it when doing Healing Codes but also when meditating. It really stills you. Even my husband commented on how relaxing it is. So I really think it must be doing something deep. Thank you Elio. There is something magic about it.

Dear Elio, I recently purchased your “Healing Codes” CD. We love it and just let it play on in our home. Your music is so deliberate and flowing and you have tenderly put each note where it belongs. Thanks for the gift of your music,

“My son Jake had a liver transplant 9 days ago. Elio was so kind to send me his music to do the Healing Codes for Jake. I have been playing the music for Jake during his recovery and noticed something very cool…Jake had a rough time coming off the breathing tube and when he did he needed extra oxygen for a few days. His breathing was hard and fast into the 60′s on the machine (it should be in the 20′s/early30′s). I started playing Elio’s the music and in less than a minute his breathing went into the 20′s and Jake looked so much more relaxed. This was not a fluke because every time I played the music his breathing would return to a normal pattern. The nurses were amazed at how it would drop into normal zones so fast. I wish I took a video…it was so amazing. =)
There is also a video Jake waking up from general anesthesia today after a procedure. I played Elio Pagliarulo’s music for an hour before he woke up. If you have ever been under general anesthesia you know how horrible it is to wake up. We usually have to hold Jake down and work hard to keep him calm. Not the case today! See how calm and chill he is..and he had perfect vitals too. Not sure what we would do with out our healing music.
