

The Groove has been very zealous to come up with the debut album. We got together in 2012 and had some re-shuffling on board even before being able to commence any performances. However, The Groove managed to get oneself together with an inspiration of sharing our music with the audience beyond any borders, because we believe music itself has no frames.

The name of the band is the derivative of our perceptions concerning being together and creating the music, we call it grooving. The album is named after one of the constituting songs – Meditate. It is very much characteristic of what we feel about the album itself and is also attributable to our mindset while working on it.

We are young and anxious to settle down in the minds and hearts of the people who will listen to our music; it is the most exciting anticipation which we crave for. We often say that our music is mostly what we feel. It is all about the feelings. And we do want to share these feelings with you, because it is the only thing one can do with them.

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