Someday We'll All Be Free (feat. Tony Terry)
One of America's most outspoken and prominent black intellectuals of our generation, Dr. Cornel West and his group BMWMB "Black Men Who Mean Business", has done it again with a new title "Negritude" definition-the quality or fact of being of black African origin. The consciousness of the value of black or African culture, heritage, and identity.
This project speak more about love and unifying as people but more importantly as black people socially and consciously we need to know what time it is before the lights are turned out!!!!. This music project is equally as important from their last released in 2007 entitled; Never Forget: A Journey Of Revelations that feature the late Prince and Gerald Levert...
This extraordinary body of work features Cornel West and BMWMB as the conductors that orchestrates the symphony of love through Hip-Hop and R&B music for all people.
The guest feature artist on this CD projects. Tony Terry, Stokley Williams-Mint Condition, Keysha Burns, Phonte-Little Brother, Rhymefest, T