Stone Bell

Stone Bell

Stone Bell opens to the earthy yet effortless voice of Nego Elias on When You Come. Originally intended for a composition by fellow Brazilian C Dala, the Portuguese vocals* sound equally at home in this setting where a unison melody line on the bass, acoustic guitar and synth raises the excitement levels in the chorus. Rushing along at a breakneck bpm Casting Off threatens to get torn apart by its own inertia, but conversely ends up chilling in a most unexpected and satisfying way. After a harmonious dismount courtesy of Chinese jinghu, we're off to Faraway Places where eminently danceable beats collide with Japanese shamisen and male vocals in the Esashi Oiwake style of Hokkaido island. We're firmly in deep-house territory on Undecided. A suona calls out a single sustained note shofar-like as if from a mountain top. Erhu melodies are picked up, chopped, dropped, and picked up again to be echoed on the electric piano. Invocation opens with a tribal feel thanks to Japanese hira-daiko, shime-daiko. and
