Hawaii of My Dreams

Hawaii of My Dreams

Casey MacGill and Orville Johnson were having a conversation about music, as they are wont to do. Casey waxed poetic on the virtues of Hapa Haole music, a style of 1930s jazz featuring swing rhythms, Hawaiian guitar, and island themes, such as hula girls, canoes, and coconuts. He mentioned having created a collection of these tunes and some originals in the style that he would love to record some day. Orville, an accomplished slide guitarist and owner of a modest home recording studio, said, "Casey, let's do it! You play the uke and sing, I'll play slide guitar and record us, and we'll get Matt Weiner to add some bass!"

Casey replied, "I like the way you think!"

As simply as that, Hawaii of My Dreams was born. Both men are highly skilled lifelong musicians with storied careers that you may read about at their websites, with many successful CDs and other musical pursuits listed, but this album is a labor of love, undertaken with no consideration of commercial potential. You, dear listener, can prove that there is, indeed, an audience for such eclectica with your purchase of Hawaii of My Dreams! Casey & Orville thank you in advance!
