In Another World
George Thomas is a graduate of the
Worcester Art Museum and Clark University
Worcester Ma. singer - songwriter
Christopher Billias a Graduate of the New England Conservatory
of Music in Boston. / Teacher / Pianist/ Composer / Producer / Engineer
David Brown / Lead Guitarist / Producer / Engineer (credits: 13 Platinum Albums)
Ken Selcer is a Graduate of Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Lead Guitarist / Producer / Engineer
Peter Levesque / Sax Player and Teacher
Robert Condon Lead Guitarist / Producer / Engineer
Wayne Shen Graduated from New England Conservatory
of Music in Boston Ma. Received a B.M. in violin From University of Arizona.
Violinist / Pianist / Composer / Teacher
Joan Folley Songwriter / Vocalist / keyboard player
Sharynne Peace Songwriter / Vocalist / plays many instruments
Ruth Kramer Songwriter / Vocalist
Patrice Peris Teacher / Vocalist
For Information on WVG Records and Stone Dogs Publishing
Complete products line write P.O. Box 542 Boston, Ma. 01944
Production Facilities
WVG Studios Boston, Ma.
SOUNDWORKS Studios Watertown, Ma.
Post Production
Bristol Studios Boston, Ma
Graphics / Finer Image tfiphoto.com
p George T. Guinane MMX
c George T. Guinane MMX
WARNING: All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws