Ceol DC

Ceol DC

40 Thieves have established themselves as one of the best loved Irish bands in the Washington DC area. From the cozy confines of the DMV's top Irish pubs to the wide-open stages of the festival circuit, this rocking ensemble has wowed the crowds by wedding old fashioned and newfangled Irish music with straight ahead rock and roll. Vocalist Melanie Caudron's rich, mellow croon meshes beautifully with guitarist Dave Dresser's gritty rock yawp. Fiddler Randy Latimer's classically honed, Cape Breton-influenced chops filigree the bar-band stomp and Guinness inspired grooves provided by bassist Charlie McNamara and drummers Scott FitzPatrick and Jim Sullivan. Multi-faceted, high energy, great craic at the pub? No doubt - they're DC's Irish band!
