Sonorous Susurrus

Sonorous Susurrus


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DISCOGRAPHY of Shinjuku Zulu / K.I.A. ( at iTunes):
as K.I.A.:
1) Sonorous Susurrus (CDx2) feat. "Large Slow River" (IDM), "Uneunoia" (chill)
2) Adieu, Shinjuku Zulu feat. "Mrs. Major Tom" (singer/songwriter), "E-yeah!" (dance)

as Shinjuku Zulu:
3) Shinjuku Zulu feat. "That Groove" (dance), "Segue" (dance/world)
4) Various Chimeras feat. "Make Me Shake" (rap/dance/electronica) "Scarborough Fair (A True Dub of Mine)" (chillout)
5) Kiss the Honey, Honey feat. SXYLV (dance), Hey La (dance/world)

as K.I.A. & Shinjuku Zulu
6) DXLR8 -Downtempo Best Of , feat. "Broken", (dubstep), "Scarborough Fair (A True Dub of Mine), "Allelujah"

IF YOU LIKE "NEVERMINE" (uptempo) by K.I.A. check out "Happiness Likes Motion" by K.I.A. and "Brando" and "Hey La" by Shinjuku Zulu
IF YOU LIKE "SCATTER" (downtempo) by K.I.A., check out: "Allelujah" by K.I.A. and "Yedayed" and "Coal Coal Black" by Shinjuku Zulu


Mad (sonic) scientist K.I.A. has released a double-CD of Frankensongs entitled 'Sonorous...Susurrus'. Nearly all the songs are hybrids mixing electronica with dub reggae, choral music, the blues, folk or world elements. 'Sonorous' is comprised of uptempo and danceable electronica, while 'Susurrus' is downtempo chill-out. K.I.A. uses vocalists from Jamaica, Africa, Europe and North America, and they range in age from 13 to 73 years old. Ideas abound across both discs: the song ‘Rise Up' mixes a children's choir soprano with languid dub reggae, while 'Freedom' splices work-song vocals with a rhythm created from breakbeats, marching drums and soft-shoe sounds. For 'Large Slow River' he sampled a work from Venice Biennale award-winning audio artist Janet Cardiff, and 'Music is My DNA' moves smoothly from Eastern bloc ska to Indian funk to Latin dub all within four minutes. Standout tracks are 'Nevermine' ('Mrs. Major Tom' remixed), 'Rashomon' (musical pointillism), the trippy 'Dubmarine' (with a reggae haiku) and the beautiful and evocative instrumental 'Uneunoia'.

Press descriptions:
"Susurrus is a minimal, melancholy affair and very enjoyable.Sonorous is dance hybrids--good electronic dancehall and dubby house" -EXCLAIM!
"Stylistic hybrids abound--for example, "Rise Up" is a pairing of a tranquil reggae track with placid vocals by a member of St. Michael's Boys Choir" Top 5 Hit List -EYE
"...Electronica that takes in world music, dub, folk, pop, breakbeat techno, hip hop, blues, angels, 'microdancehall' and 'acapellatronica'..the two discs are split into 'downtempo' (Susurrus) and 'uptempo' (Sonorous)...which one is best depends on how you feel..." -STYLUS

"FOUR STARS. Sheer brilliance. Haunting vocals...Top ten CDs of the year" -THE GLOBE & MAIL
"FOUR STARS. Breaks, house, reggae, exotic vocals--a cd that warrants repeated listens" -MONTREAL GAZETTE

Kirby Ian Andersen has been producing eclectronica under the nom-de-tunes K.I.A., as well as Shinjuku Zulu, since 1998. On his three commercial releases, the vocals--all recorded by K.I.A. with many different singers--range from being used as accent (almost as an instrument) to being front and center with full-on chorus/verse constructions.

K.I.A. is also an accomplished and well-reviewed visual artist, exhibiting since 1988. He apllies this visual sense to the music, which gives his songs a very cinematic feel--various tracks have been used in film productions.

K.I.A. has lived in Tokyo and Los Angeles, and currently resides in Toronto.

