Pirate Signals
My last record was a HUGE flop! Most artisits don't admit that, but I'm not ashamed... I thought it was pretty good. I set out to make an album in spite of the previous failure. "Inti-matter" was layered to the hilt with everything but the kitchen sink. Any object in my room/studio that made a noise found it's way onto the recording. The intent for Pirate Signals was to make a White Stripes style stripped down record, as to say "is this what you'd rather have?"
Once production started I realized the joke was on me! It had been so long since I'd purposely written simple rock songs (Isolation Theory, for those who know my work) that I forgot how much fun it really is. I grew up a grunge kid in the 90's and this is the kind of album I always wanted to make as a younger man. So, for the record (no pun intended) I still love over-the-top "wall of sound" style avant garde music and will probably make more in the future (to everyone's dismay and my own economical pitfall), BUT, I'm at the moment thrilled to have realized my version of a perfect grunge album. It's noteworthy to mention that I was a fanatic Nirvana follower (still am but you know what I mean) and this record is being released right before I turn 28 which is something Kurt did not get the opportunity to do...