Sound Clash
When people speak of a person as being gifted, it is usually one talent that the person obtains they are referring to. This one talent is honed and crafted, nurtured and grown. But when speaking of Dada A.K.A The Golden Child, one cannot confine him to one talent, as he has many.
From a young child Dada began with auditioning for an NBC pilot. As an adolescent he attended the infamous F.H. LaGuardia High school of Performing Arts. He went on to successful completion of the world-renowned Howard University with his BA in Radio/TV/Film productions. Dada has truly been busy nurturing his crafts.
Beginning with his first love Hip-Hop music, Dada is not just a rapper, but also an emcee; he is an emcee who also produces his music. Dada has been rhyming, and producing tracks for five years. Listening to one of Dada's songs is like watching rhythmic tunes and lyrical expertise make love to sound waves. It is an experience of his mind, a trip through his heart, only to grab on to your soul. An average rapper does no