The Answer

The Answer

After wandering the world, Jason Kirk’s grandfather settled in Sundance, Wyoming to raise his family in the Black Hills. The hills were a wonderful, spiritual place to live and grow. Jason's dad left when he was only three and his mom was left on her own to raise the alien boy and his sister. Although the single parent household had its challenges, Jason’s creative side was nurtured from an early age. Mom was a folk singer throughout the seventies, and their home was filled with classic rock and folk music. Since she was also in local theater productions and part of a singing and dancing troupe (a saloon type act), Jason was on stage from age 8, including a stint as a dancing cowboy at around age 10. Jason was also fond of hanging with his Aunt Jenny, ten years his senior, as she rocked in the eighties and rebelled with the worst of them. He always hung with the olders.

Jason was a well rounded kid that loved fishing and basketball. He began playing the saxophone, trumpet and piano at around age twe
