Sunshine to My Soul

Sunshine to My Soul

Writing songs about the life experiences we all share helps bring focus and balance to my day to day life. This album is a collection of sweet songs with a subtle poignancy and the beat of an optimistic heart.

Thank you all for your amazing and much appreciated contributions to this CD;

1. MOVING DAY (I’m Happy) 4:16 by Palmer Utterback & James Keller Utterback
Vocal, Cynthia Valentine
Guitars, James Utterback (lead), Palmer Utterback & Marty Chilla
Keyboard, Austin Chevalier
Bass, Bobby Stevens
Drums, Beau Eastlund

2. CHOO CHOO LILA 2:07 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Palmer, Gail Keller & Lila Covino
Guitar & Bass, Palmer
Drums, Beau Eastlund

3. THE POET (Romance & Wine) 3:14 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Gail & Megan Bassett
Keyboard, Austin Chevalier
Guitars, Palmer & Marty Chilla
Bass, Jeff Ray
Drums, Beau Eastlund

4. WHY 2:56 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Palmer & Megan Bassett
Guitars, Palmer & Marty Chilla
Violin, David Burham

5. SUNSHINE TO MY SOUL 2:26 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Palmer, Mark Bosnian & Gail Keller
Keyboard, Mark Bosnian
Guitar, Palmer

6. WIND SONG (Instrumental) 2:22 by Palmer Utterback
Guitars, Palmer (lead) & Marty Chilla
Bass, Matt Keenan
Keyboard, Mark Bosnian
Drums, Beau Eastlund

7. WHERE THE HIGHLAND PIPERS PLAY 2:23 by Palmer Utterback
Vocal, Danny Kunches
Guitars, Palmer & Marty Chilla
Accordion, Austin Chevalier
Drum, Beau Eastlund

8. FIJI TIME (Easy Time) 2:51 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Gail, Megan & Palmer
Ukuleles & Guitars, Marty (Lead) & Palmer
Steel Guitar, Tom Lattimer
Bass, Matt Keenan
Coconut Shells, Beau Eastlund

9. MAEVA & JC (Instrumental) 1:59 by Palmer Utterback with Jon Neher
Guitars, Palmer & Marty Chilla
Resonator Guitar Jon Neher

10. BRING THE LAST ONE HOME (POW-MIA) 3:46 by Palmer Utterback
Vocals, Palmer, Jeff, Danny & Gail Keller
Guitars, Palmer & Marty Chilla
Bass, Jeff Ray
Drums, Beau Eastlund
Though I did not serve in the armed forces, this song is offered with respect to the families and individuals who have.

Produced by Marty Chilla, Beau Eastlund and Palmer Utterback
Recorded/Engineered and Cover Graphics by Beau Eastlund at The Golden Lab Studio, Springfield, Oregon
Mastered by Michael McDonald, Syntharts Studio, Eugene, Oregon
Front Photograph of Palmer by Ann Hughes Photography
My gratitude for the heart and soul you all brought to these songs, and
Dr. John and Joy Haines who are an inspiration to us all.
