Chris Moose Holidays

Chris Moose Holidays

FUN FOR KIDS ANY TIME OF THE YEAR! *** WINNER - PARENTS CHOICE HONORS AWARD *** Includes: Chris Moose (a Christmas classic!) - Little Tree (a story about the power of story in our lives) - The Gift (powerful non-smoking plea to parents) - Daddy's Roll (it's outta control) - Christmas Cheer (do alcohol and the holidays have to go hand in hand?) - Buy Me Something! (a song every child already knows) - When Jesus Was A Kid (humor, homelessness and caring) - The Night Before Hanukkah (you mean Santa can come to Jewish kids too?) - G-Gee, It's Warm Out Here (an ecological snowman) - I Believe You (being a safe place for loved ones) - The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa & God (stories we hold in our heart) - Pass It On! (sneeze along) - Clean Out the Attic (some things need to go) - Earthsong (listen to the voices of all the critters and life-forms)
