Con Sentimento

Con Sentimento

graduated in 1982 from the North-Norwegian Academy of Music in Tromsø, and took his Cand.Philol. in musical science at the university of Oslo in 1986.
He has studied classical guitar with Karsten Andersen and Geir Otto Nilsson in Norway, and Luis Zea and John Duarte in England. To this list should be added counterpoint with Nils Grinde and Mai Sønstevold, composition with Olav Anton Thommessen and Ragnar Søderlind, as well as musical drama and instrumentation with Antonio Bibalo.
I 1991 he represented Norway at the World Festival for Theatre, where he won a music award.
"Bært! Brecht!" was composed by Krogseth for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Bertolt Brecht in 1998. That same year he was commissioned to write the opera "Sigrid & Eindride", for choir, seven soloists and orchestra, performed in the year 2000. This work is going to be restaged in spring 2009 in a full orchestrated version under the baton of Gardar Cortes – the well known islandic conductor. In May 20
