Beyond Consciousness

Beyond Consciousness

I few years ago I set out to use all of my talents to make something that would make people feel good. I've been doing music all my life but the conscious decision to give direction to my work had not always been there.

Spirituality then played it's part and made me realize that what we do as musicians affects other people in ways that we cannot fully appreciate. Sometimes the bond created between a listener and a piece of music will go far beyond whatever bond that person may or would strike with the author if they met. This speaks miles about music.

This set me on a quest to reach what truly touched me, beyond styles and restrictions. I started letting go and not trying to control what came out. And this music started flowing. It then became a necessity, a need to make music in a way that really mattered emotionally to me, unconcerned with whether it did or not fit preconceived ideas or notions about how things should sound and where things should go.

We are all different and the same. This music touches
