A New York Holiday
A New York Holiday
Why “New York”? It’s not mentioned in any of the songs. Sure, there are implications, but this isn’t about New York. Yet... where else could you find this diversity of talent? Where else could you find 20+ singers, musicians, songwriters, engineers, organizers and all, willing to schlep under the river to Long Island City in the pouring heat of August, to create an atmosphere of snow and sparkles and holiday magic?
It was a joy for me to create this record. To ask all the Miranda artists if they wanted to do it – and then some good friends who are not (yet?) Miranda artists – and have them all enthusiastically answer “Yes!” And then to spend those days at Spin Recording Studios with my brilliant producer Richard Barone, who keeps a level head and dispenses encouragement all around; the multi-talented Tracy Stark deftly directing the music; the amazing engineer Nik Chinboukas, who is right there fixing it before you even know it needs to be fixed; the other wonderful people at Spin: Yosima