Young Thunderkats

Young Thunderkats

Floco Torres from Willingboro NJ 22 year old founder of Williams Enterprises, hip hop artist, songwriter, minor designer, and marketer for other artists of all genres.

Young Fame from Philadephia PA 18 year old founder of Wondamusik entertainment, super producer, hip hop artist, graphic designer.

The name "Young Thunderkats" came from a solo song from Floco's last mixtape released strictly on the streets called "Next In Line pt.2 Another World"...The song featured a sample from the old cartoon Thundercats...The meaning behind the song was starting a new wave of humans with super ambition and talent to match plus a mindstate called "Think I know it all". Floco and Fame met late last year in Wondamusik Studios in Pennsauken New Jersey through a mutual friend. After creating the Super Hit "Hot like The Sun" early 2008, and working on a couple other songs, The two saw common interest and decided to work on a joint project. With 2 styles that stretch to over 5 genres or more, This cd is excatly the description,
