200 Moons EP

200 Moons EP

200 MOONS has been an incredible learning experience. Completely self funded, 100% independent and yet fully supported and backed by some very inspiring, influential musicians in my life. I have to thank Ananda Vaughan for selflessly spilling his heart out in "Diminished love". My incredible family, who throughout this extravagant process with my music, have all been very tolerant as i blasted the EP for the thousandth time, and the honesty and support is so moving as i trust you all and love you dearly. Then there is everyone that will have listened to this....I want to say thank you for you support, for listening, for sharing, for feedback, all of the above. I find indescribable joy from sharing this and being able to make yet another connection through words and melodies and the many hours of emotions that have filtered into these songs. These stories are now as much yours as my own.
