Eyes Invitus to Dance On

Eyes Invitus to Dance On

This Artist wherever and whenever possible does things upside down to most people. Not only is this unusual but this is a way in which some semblance of what originality
there is, is retained where this music which may sound similar to others but has something different about it.
Of course there are approaches to this need of originality where some people dress "far out" etc..produce different sounds etc.. a long list.
What kind of Artist would not have a long cv about their past no.1 hit parade involvement etc,[A mad one?] but each day is a new one and is kept so without the old yesterdays for me.[no living in a past time paradise] Being thrown out of a big name band because of a stand against drugs doesn't make you popular.

Now many people when they see something, hear something, over ride this NEW experience with the old experience therefore missing out on much. Yet the EYES cant lie[it sees what it sees] but past experience says no you didn't and then the ensuing words differ from what was seen causing statements such as "I don't believe my eyes" etc.
Thus the title "EYES cant lie"
Then this leads to questions, the answers of which is best provided by someone with preferably a "Peaceful Mind" rather than a fragmented one.
"We love to dance on", its amazing how energized a person can become once they start.
Both ladies on this this cd are also good dancers.
Many a Talk about Houses but what about CITIES of LOVE.
There is a concept that thoughts can eventually turn Real, what if this is True.
The thought/idea for a house can lead to a Build eventually.

"She holds her head high" is dedicated to a young Toddler whose Parents hid [with the child in sight] from her for a short while when she was engaged in looking at a flower, the child looked up noticed their absence, and reingaged with the flower for which the Parents were extremely happy as this said she felt secure and was strong in the knowledge that noway would she be left alone by them or by the flowers of Creation.
In the end [another name for desiny fulfilled?] something you wish for or not.
