Faith in You

Faith in You

Francis and the Shadow Girl is Kev Lowther’s dynamic guitar & vocals teamed up with Pip Sheehan’s beautiful & moving lyrics. Kev backgrounds from a vigorous New Zealand music scene, and Pip is a widely published Australian performance poet. They have two recent albums recorded, “Like No Other” featuring Kev’s musicianship and “Solace” featuring Pip’s spoken word, both produced by Col Moulder of Crystal Clear Productions Australia.

Francis and the Shadow Girl’s single, Faith In You, is an expression of their shared journey as followers of Christ. It was written while living in a wilderness area of New Zealand’s South Island on an isolated lakeshore. Kev would light a candle in the window out into the dark & vast night as he prayed for loved ones who were travelling at the time.

And as for the name of the band: Francis is Kev’s middle name, inherited from a jolly aunt who loved to dance all the time. And the Shadow Girl is the name of a handmade doll gifted to Pip with the profound inscription that


