Disk-tum-derrei - Chorando E Sambando

Disk-tum-derrei - Chorando E Sambando

"A composer's composer, a musician's musician, Gaudencio Thiago de Mello remains one of the best kept secrets in both the Jazz and Brazilian contemporary scenes. I cherish his first album, The Music of Thiago, recorded in 1973... at the famous Sound Ideas Studio in New York City. It's... a very special jewel."

Arnaldo DeSouteiro
Tribuna da Imprensa
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"I have known Thiago de Mello for a couple of years, and have just heard three entire sets of Thiago's music at the annual Brazilian Jazz Festival presented by the Jazzmania Society, June 14th, 1980. I was very impressed by his writing - a unique and genuine style which encompasses a variety of moods and rhythm patterns paralleled by rich melodic and harmonic phrases. This is Thiago's strength, and from it, he has created a style of his own. Thiago de Mello is a very talented and unique professional composer who definitely deserves to be heard."

Gil Evans
Jazz pianist, arranger, composer and bandleader.

"Your broth
